mercoledì, marzo 28, 2007

Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation Sacramentum Caritatis

I'll try to write a few words about the new Apostolic Exhortation, but I still have only read the first 20 paragraphs...

Until then - read it yourselves: Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation Sacramentum Caritatis

sabato, marzo 24, 2007

Explanation of my banner

In my comments box I was asked to explain the name and subtitle of my blog, so here goes:

"Remember Lepanto"
Lepanto is not the name of a person, but a place. And more importantly an event. It has to do with the defense of the Christian Europe and the beginning of the widespread use of the rosary that since then is known as the Rosary. I'll try to dig up a good text that describes this event, but for now I'll let you find out the details for yourselves.

PC is an abbreviation for "Politically correct". "Non-PC" therefore is meant to convey the fact that I stand for what I stand for (most importantly the teachings of the Catholic Church) without a need to consider whether it is in accordance with the popular secular view (which it rarely is). For those of us that use Macs (they rule, by the way) "non-PC" of course has one more meaning :)

Follower of the pope. Used as a derogative term for a person with - to use the words of Monty Python - "an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope".

lunedì, marzo 12, 2007


I currently have no ideas for a post in english, so I'll use this post just to ensure everybody that I still know that language, and that I have the bestest girlfriend humanly possible!

Ask me to write about something, and I'll give it a try. (Preferably something I know anything about, of course)

mercoledì, marzo 07, 2007


Vad är det folk inte förstår?
En människa utvecklas från att vara tvåcellig till att vara 90 år. Vid inget tillfälle under denna process är människan något annat än en mänsklig varelse tillhörande arten Homo Sapiens. Under hela denna process har denna individ en enda, fullständigt unik, helt mänsklig genetisk identitet.

Att folk ser ner på dessa människor med ord som "cellclump", och tillåter sig att "skära bort dem precis som med en cancertumör" utan att ens blinka...

Mina tankar går till judarna, som var "råttor", som förpestade samhällskroppen på 30-talet.

Vad är skillnaden? Allvarligt? Västvärlden är verkligen på väg att begå självmord. Och jag gråter inte.