mercoledì, agosto 23, 2006

The guy who wrote this lost his job...

excerpts from A Lefty Lexicon:

"Class - grouping people by the contents of their wallet rather than, say, how they think, feel or behave as individuals.

Disproportionate - foreign affairs: Describes any act by USA or Israel.

Diversity - creating a workforce based on how people look rather than on their skills or aptitude.

Equal - as in ‘opportunities’: describes the desire to have a workforce resemble the population it comes from, rather than matched to the task in hand. See 'diversity'.

Fascism/Nazism - apparently the 'opposite' of Socialism - despite sharing party members, ideology and - in National Socialism - the name.

Gender issues - grouping people by their sex rather than how they think, feel or behave as individuals.

Hate-crime - same as 'normal' crime as far as victims are concerned - but much more distressing for Lefties.

Inclusive - Means 'drop entry standards until anyone can get in'.

Impartial - media, BBC: the balance achieved by attacking the Opposition for being Conservative and attacking the Government for being insufficiently Lefty.

Intolerance - Intolerance can only committed against certain defined groups of people. These do not include, Americans, the middle class, white manual workers, rural people, business and Christians obviously.

Islamophobic - anyone who objects to having their transport blown up on the way to work.

Legitimate grievances - foreign affairs: why we're all to blame for deranged Islamists murdering people in the developed world.

Marx - a Victorian gentleman whose theories cannot be disproved by observation, experience or factual evidence. See 'religion' and 'post-modernism'.

Multi-cultural - All culture is valid - unless Western in some way. Usually to be 'celebrated' and always found to be 'vibrant'. See 'diversity'.

Nazi - informal: describes non-Lefty views and useful to link with people Lefties don’t like. Thus Germany’s Nazi period is the only noteworthy formative experience of Pope Benedict.

Palestinians - archetype 'victims' no matter how many teenagers they murder in bars and fast food outlets. Never responsible for anything they do – or done in their name - because of 'root causes' or ‘legitimate grievances’.

Progressive - describes ideas generally thought up around 40 years ago – that still don't work.

al Qaeda - Muslim 'militants' who for some reason or other continue to kill far more Muslims than people of any other faith.

Race issues - grouping people by their skin colour as opposed to how they think, feel or behave as individuals.

Racist - means "shut up!" - and is much, much worse than being violent, thoughtless or unkind. In fact, easily the worst crime ever conceived of.

Relevant - education: something badly written, with references to sex and full of swear-words. Always better than literature by 'dead white people'.

Religion -

Christianity: irrational, dangerous belief that material things may not be the principal motive behind human behaviour.
Judaism: most Israelis are Jewish, so probably 'intolerant'.
Islam: always needs to be 'understood'.

Root causes - foreign affairs: Usually need to be 'examined'. Belief in 'root causes' reflects dogged Lefty habit of trying to see contemporary religious issues through the prism of ‘class analysis’.

South Africa - a national showcase for Lefty policies with a one-party state, some of the worst crime levels in the world, tragic AIDS mortality and declining economy.

Stereotype - any attempt to describe the general characteristics of a group favoured by Lefties.

Terrorist - no such thing. Only people suffering from ‘root causes’ and ‘legitimate grievances’.

Unilateral - media, BBC: used to describe any act by the United States in furtherance of its national interest.

Victim - see ‘Terrorist’, ‘Palestinians’, ‘gender issues’, ‘race issues’ and ‘social exclusion’."

and from the comments box:

"Evidence based – backing policy decisions with selective social science research.

Tolerance - The act of accepting that everyone else is right and you are wrong, or alternatively, permission to think only along approved lines.

Judgemental - Bigoted people that suggest that maybe some forms of behaviour are less socially optimal than others.

Positive discrimination - all discrimination is evil unless it's against those nasty white evil oppressors, in which case it's wonderful.

Targeted savings - cutbacks"

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